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Stage Club at South Morningside Primary School has been around for many many years, proving to be a calendar highlight for the school and the surrounding community. Stephen Graham-Martin took over as Director is 2011,and in 2017 the Production Team behind Stage Club is now credited as SJM Creative.

Each year in August, registration is open to all students in Primary 6 and 7. There is always a massive interest throughout the sign-up process, but only 70 children are randomly selected to be involved. The kids rehearse from September to February/March in the school gym hall, before transferring to the Church Hill Theatre for a 4-night spectacular show.

The productions get bigger and better each year and SJM Creative are always looking at ways to bring something different, and ‘WOW’ to the next years production. Stage Club is a well-oiled machine with preparations starting from May/June of one year and following right through until after the show. The club is a valuable part of the kid’s development as they come to the end of their Primary education and begin the transition to High School. Stage Club stands for giving as many children the opportunity to grow and develop, to find their voice, and to be able to use their voice in a creative way, a lot of the same values as SJM Performance Academy. Stage Club is an afterschool club that is ran by the Parent Council of South Morningside Primary.

Whereas South Morningside Stage Club is only open to children at the school, SJM Creative are happy to discuss out Stage Club opportunities, email us at

For more information on South Morningside Stage Club,

Contact the school at SMPSSTAGECLUB@GMAIL.COM

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