As we head back to our venue at Marchmont St Giles for our next term of face-to-face classes/rehearsals and holiday camps, we have worked closely with them, while following the government rules to set out a clear plan for our return, that puts the safety of our students and tutors at the forefront going into 2022.
Entrance and Exits
We have worked closely with the venue to create a footfall plan for all our classes. This means that when students enter the building, there is a clear entrance and exit plan in place. As our classes are staggered in groups - we ask EVERYONE to now enter in the main entrance (picture below). A member of the team will be there to direct each student. One rule set by the venue is that parents are not to enter the building at any time. Drop off and Pick Up should happen outside the assigned door, with social distancing rules in place. If any parents have any questions, please ask your child to advise who is on the door and they can come outside to talk with you once everyone is signed in.
Hand sanitising
All students entering the building will be asked to hand sanitise. We are working within government rules to eliminate the spread of the virus at every opportunity. Our products have been purchased from Edinburgh based company: Pristine Hygiene. Please check out their website if you wish to check ingredients. In the event that your child has a known allergy to any of the ingredients, we ask that you provide your own hand sanitiser. Please note that Marchmont St Giles also use Pristine Hygiene for their wall mounted hand sanitiser units.
Each space used will be allocated a bathroom. In some instances this may a unisex bathroom that is used for all. We will ask students to make sure the bathrooms are left in a clean and tidy manner. Our Covid-19 Officer will aim to check and clean bathrooms throughout class sessions.
Masks / Face Coverings
All staff will be in face coverings throughout the whole session.
Primary School age classes (P1-P7) are not required to wear a mask or face covering. If you would prefer they do, this is completely fine and respected.
High School age classes (S1-S6) are required under Government Guidelines to wear a mask or face covering. Please note these masks should be worn upon entry into the building and should be worn throughout. We ask parents to remind your child about these rules prior to coming to class.
Social Distance for this age group is now no longer a requirement, following High School Protocols, but we do remind everyone to be cautious and considerate of each other when in the venue. This applies to SUMMER CAMP 2022 students going from P7 into S1 year groups.
Those students exempted from wearing masks - we ask parental contact is made prior to the day of session to advise.
When possible (weather permitting), we will aim to take a portion of the class outside so masks and face coverings can be removed.
If anyone has any questions on the above, please email us prior to classes commencing.
If your child becomes ill
If your child is ill with COVID-19 symptoms: simply do not attend class/rehearsals/camps. We will aim to provide missed information on the sessions, but it is more important to us, to the rest of the group, and for your child to not attend.
If your child becomes ill and contracts COVID-19 symptoms after an SJM sessions then we ask that you contact the NHS right away. They will provide the best advice, support and care. In the event that your child is confirmed to have contracted COVID, then the NHS Track & Protect Service will be informed via your medical team and we will happily work with them and follow their advice.
You must contact us to advise and keep a clear line of communication with the SJM Team. The out of office number to contact will be sent via email should you require it.
Track & Trace
All students who have signed up for our classes/camps, have provided their full contact details at the time of booking. In the event that the NHS Track and Protect Service requires that information, SJM will provide the information sent in via our online booking form.
Regional and Local Lock-down
In the event that there is a regional lock-down in Scotland, or a local lock-down within Edinburgh, all our classes/rehearsals shall move online to a secured network. Notice will be given to each student and full information sent out. We previously ran sessions online so have a safeguard plan in place, overall it was a great success.
This is not our ideal situation and not something we wish to do, but it is our back-up plan in the event that we cannot operate in our venue.
Any scheduled performances that are unable to take place face-to-face, will be rescheduled.
Covid-19 Officer
We have assigned a Covid-19 Officer for all classes at SJM. The job of the Covid-19 Officer is to offer support to the tutors, to make sure the venue is clean prior/post class/rehearsal. They will do toilet checks and offer support to students. The aim is for them to give support and reassurance to any SJM family members that are in the building over SJM time.
COVID 19 Officer roles have been assigned to director, Stephen.
Risk Assessment
Before returning it is mandatory for any establishment to compile a new covid-19 related risk assessment. This should be separate from any other risk assessments and specific to covid-19. We have worked with the venue to agree and create a risk assessment that considers many possibilities and offers support and guidance while identifying any risks. This document will be updated and reviewed frequently. We encourage any families to offer feedback as we continue to put the safety of our SJM FAMILY first.
SJM: Covid-19 Risk Assessment January 2022